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Friday, May 13, 2011


Ron Zechmann

Leslie Jewkes

English 102 034W

Assignment #1

Bibliography and outline

Annotated Bibliography

This is about the remarks of the President of the United States and the First lady at the signing of the Healthy, Hungry-free Kids act. A quote that is good to use is,” That's part of the reason why one in three children in America today are either overweight or obese”.” So we need to make sure our kids have the energy and the capacity to go toe to toe with any of their peers, anywhere in the world. And we need to make sure that they're all reaching their potential. That's precisely what this bill -- the Healthy, Hungry-Free Kids Act -- will accomplish”. These quotes will help to show the support of the President and First lady.
Anonymous. Foreign Policy. Washington: Mar/Apr 2010. , Iss. 178; pg. A5, 1 pgs
This article is about Feeding the Hungry. I will use the following quotes,” The European Union (EU) strongly supports the achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDG) by 2015, and notably the first MDG, which aims to eradicate poverty and hunger. An immediate target is the halving of the proportion of people suffering from hunger between 1990 and 2015”. This will show how not only the U.S. but the EU is involved with MDG to lower the poverty rate.
Anonymous. Western Farm Press. Clarksdale: Dec 9, 2010.
This is about how Climate-smart agriculture can reduce world hunger. I will use the quote,” By climate smart, we mean agriculture that sustainably increases productivity and resilience to environmental pressures, while at the same time reduces greenhouse gas emissions or removes them from the atmosphere, because we cannot ignore the fact that agriculture is itself a large emitter of greenhouse gases”. This is to show how smarter agriculture can reduce greenhouse gasses and be beneficial to producing more food so solve world hunger.

This is an article sending an agriculture warning to Africa. I would use the quote,” Worldwatch Institute president Christopher Flavin said that by combining the foundation's focus on agricultural productivity with the institute's brief on finding environmentally sustainable approaches to agriculture, "we are building a new bridge that may open a better future" for poor farmers.” This is to present a way that gives the necessary tools to produce a better future for the poor in Africa and it gives some hope.

Josette Sheeran. The Washington Quarterly. Washington: Apr 2010. Vol. 33, Iss. 2; pg. 3
This article is about how to end hunger. Quotes to use are,” the battle against global hunger vulnerability is winnable today, more than ever before. An important step toward ending hunger is empowering farmers in the developing world to contribute further to local and regional food needs. Initiatives like Sierra Leone's Operation Feed the Nation are training subsistence farmers to increase crop yields. This is an article that also supports showing the poor farmer ways to break out of the poverty trap with proper assistance.
Patrizio Warren. Mountain Research and Development. Boulder: Feb 2006. Vol. 26, Iss. 1; pg. 9, 6 pgs
This is an article about MDG activism. Quotes I would use are,” The UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) movement is the latest and perhaps the most politically committed of these initiatives. UN summit declarations and subsequent international activism are beneficial at all levels: as a result of their momentum, policies are enhanced, funds raised, and programs implemented”. This shows the commitment of the UN to proceed with the needs and requirements to support the MDGs goal.
This is an article about the Food aid and the famine relief argument. I will use the quote,” The world's population is expected to surpass 9 billion people by 2050, which will require an estimated 70 percent increase in global agricultural production”. “Food security and climate change can, and should, be addressed together, by transforming agriculture and adopting practices that are "climate-smart" to eradicate hunger from the world, he argued”. This article shows the argument for a necessity of increased agricultural output.
Pedro A Sanchez. Nature. London: Mar 12, 2009. Vol. 458, Iss. 7235; pg. 148, 1 pgs
This is an article pertaining to a smarter way to combat hunger. Quotes to use are,” Policies should shift from prioritizing food aid to providing poor farmers with access to training, markets and to farm inputs such as fertilizer and improved seed. In addition to being cheaper, such investments allow farmers to grow food to feed themselves, to sell the surplus and to diversify into high-value crops, livestock and tree products. This creates a sustainable exit from the poverty trap, thereby decreasing the requirement for aid. This is in support to provide more support to the poor farmer and to provide a way of life to get out of the poverty trap.

Nicole Yorio. Redbook. New York: Nov 2010. Vol. 215, Iss. 5; pg. 138
This article is about 10 ways to feed a neighbor in need. Quotes in this article I would use are,”1. Organize a food drive: They provide as much as one third of the food at pantries, 2. Host a school, church, or community bake sale, and donate the proceeds to the Great American Bake Sale. 3. Support your local food bank.” And ” Enough already! 49 million Americans are going hungry -- a 36 percent increase since 2008, per the U.S. Department of Agriculture”. This is an article with a concrete way to stay connected and to help fight hunger with an individual effort.
The article is about Reducing Hunger through Climate smart agriculture. Quotes I would use are,” We will not achieve food security without serious investment in climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in the rural sector," It shows how our investment needs to be a serious one to achieve the goal of feeding the hungry

Facing the
Picture- map
Picture- chart

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